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Die nachfolgende Auflistung enthält alle wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen die im Rahmen des am Technologie Campus und der Labore der beteiligten Professorinnen und Professoren entstanden sind. Dazu zählen Publikationen in Journals, Konferenzbeiträge sowie Doktorarbeiten und Buchveröffentlichungen.

128 Einträge « 3 von 3 »


Nonn, A.; Wessel, W.; Schmidt, T.

Application of finite element analysis for assessment of fracture behavior of modern high toughness seamless pipeline steels Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: The 23rd International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering 2013 (ISOPE 2013), Anchorage, USA, 2013.

Abstract | BibTeX

Nonn, A.; Kalwa, C.

Application of damage mechanics approach for crack propagation in pipeline Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: 19th Biennial JTM on Pipeline Research, Sidney, Australia, 2013.


Völling, A.; Nonn, A.; Scheider, I.

Anwendung des Kohäsivzonenmodells zur Abbildung von duktilem dynamischen Rissfortschritt in Gasfernleitungen Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: 45. Tagung des AK Bruch, DVM Berichtsband 245, S. 253-262, Berlin, Germany, 2013.


Kofiani, K.; Nonn, A.; Wierzbicki, T.

New calibration method for high and low triaxiality and validation on SENT specimens of API X70 Werkstoffsimulation Artikel

In: International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Bd. 111-112, S. 187 - 201, 2013, ISSN: 0308-0161.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Nonn, A.; Kalwa, C.

Simulation of ductile crack propagation in high-strength pipeline steel using damage models Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: 9th International Pipeline Conference 2012 (IPC 2012), Calgary, Canada, 2012.

Abstract | BibTeX

Schmid, V.; Jungbauer, B.; Romano, M.; Ehrlich, I.; Gebbeken, N.

Diminution of mass of different types of fibre reinforcements due to thermal load. Leichtbau Proceedings Article

In: Mottok, J.; Ziemann, O. (Hrsg.): Applied Research Conference 2012 – ARC 2012, S. 231–235, Shaker-Verlag, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-8440-1093-0.

Abstract | BibTeX

Schmid, V.; Jungbauer, B.; Romano, M.; Ehrlich, I.; Gebbeken, N.

The influence of different types of fabrics on the fibre volume content and porosity in basalt fibre reinforced plastics. Leichtbau Proceedings Article

In: Mottok, J.; Ziemann, O. (Hrsg.): Applied Research Conference 2012 – ARC 2012, S. 162–165, Shaker-Verlag, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-8440-1093-0.

Abstract | BibTeX

Kofiani, K.; Nonn, A.; Wierzbicki, T.; Kalwa, C.; Walters, C.

Experiments and fracture modeling of high-strength pipelines for high and low stress triaxiality Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: The 22nd International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering 2012 (ISOPE 2012), Rhodes, Greece, 2012.

Abstract | BibTeX

Nonn, A.; Kalwa, C.

Failure modeling of pipeline X100 Material in temperature transition region Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: The 22nd International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering 2012 (ISOPE 2012), Rhodes, Greece, 2012.

Abstract | BibTeX

Ottawa, P.; Romano, M.; Ehrlich, I.; Wagner, M.; Gebbeken, N.

The influence of ondulation in fabric reinforced composites on dynamic properties in a mesoscopic scale. Leichtbau Proceedings Article

In: 11. LS-DYNA Forum, Ulm, 2012.

Abstract | BibTeX


Nonn, A.; Kalwa, C.

The effect of microstructure, strain hardening and strain rate on the fracture behavior of high strength pipeline steels Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: 2nd International Conference on Material Modelling (ICMM2), Paris, France, 2011.



Nonn, A.; Erdelen-Peppler, M.; Kalwa, C.

Numerical and experimental investigation of the influence of HAZ on the fracture behavior of longitudinal welded linepipes Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: Fracture of Materials and Structures from Micro to Macro Scale, 18th European Conference on Fracture, Dresden, Germany, 2010.

Abstract | BibTeX

Nonn, A.; Kalwa, C.

Modeling of damage behavior of high strength pipeline steel Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: Fracture of Materials and Structures from Micro to Macro Scale, 18th European Conference on Fracture, Dresden, Germany, 2010.

Abstract | BibTeX

Nonn, A.

Failure modeling of hybrid-laser welds in transition temperature region Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: Fracture of Materials and Structures from Micro to Macro Scale, 18th European Conference on Fracture, Dresden, Germany, 2010.



Bleck, W.; Dahl, W.; Nonn, A.; Amlung, L.; Feldmann, M.; Schäfer, D.; Eichler, B.

Numerical and experimental analyses of damage behaviour of steel moment connection Werkstoffsimulation Artikel

In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Bd. 76, Nr. 10, S. 1531 - 1547, 2009, ISSN: 0013-7944, (MatModels 2007).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Nonn, A.; Dahl, W.; Bleck, W.

Numerical modelling of damage behaviour of laser-hybrid welds Werkstoffsimulation Artikel

In: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Bd. 75, Nr. 11, S. 3251 - 3263, 2008, ISSN: 0013-7944, (Local Approach to Fracture (1986–2006): Selected papers from the 9th European Mechanics of Materials Conference).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Nonn, A.; Dahl, W.; Bleck, W.

Damage Modelling and Safety Assessment of the Hybrid Welded Structures Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: 5th German-Japanese Seminar “Materials, Processes and Components”, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials, Freiburg, Germany, 2007.


Nonn, A.; Dahl, W.; Bleck, W.

Numerical and experimental analyses of damage behaviour of steel moment connections Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: MatMod2007, Material Models – from Nano to Macro, International Workshop, Hamburg, Germany, 2007.



Nonn, A.; Völling, A.

Lokale Spannungsanalyse bei Rissinitiierung Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: 4. Workshop Kompetenzverbund Kerntechnik „Komponentensicherheit und Werkstoffverhalten", MPA Stuttgart, Germany, 2006.


Bajric, A.; Dahl, W.

Failure Behaviour of Hybrid-Laser Welds Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures, Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Fracture, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 2006.


Bajric, A.; Dahl, W.

Numerical modelling of damage beahviour in laser-hybrid welds Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: 9th European Mechanics of Material Conference (EUROMECH-MECAMAT 2006), Local Approach to Fracture, Moret-Sur-Loing, France, 2006.



Bajric, A.; Brocks, W.; Dahl, W.; Heyer, J.; Langenberg, P.

Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Failure Behaviour of Hybrid Laser Welds Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: 4th German-Japanese Seminar „Materials, Processses and Components“, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, 2005.


Bajric, A.

Numerical simulation of crack extension in electron-beam and hybrid-laser welds Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: ESIS TC1/TC8 Meeting, Serco Assurance, Warrington, United Kingdom, 2005.


Bajric, A.; Brocks, W.; Dahl, W.; Heyer, J.; Langenberg, P.

Investigations of failure behaviour of flawed steel specimens with electron beam welds (EBW) Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: 11th International Congress on Fracture (ICF11), Turin, Italy, 2005.


Bajric, A.; Brocks, W.; Dahl, W.; Heyer, J.; Langenberg, P.

Numerische Simulation des Rissauswanderns (RA) in Strahlschweißverbindungen Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: DVM-Bericht 237, 37. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises Bruchvorgänge, „Technische Sicherheit, Zuverlässigkeit und Lebensdauer“, Hamburg, Germany, 2005.



Ehrlich, I.

Impactverhalten schwach gekrümmter Strukturen aus faserverstärkten Kunststoffen Leichtbau Promotionsarbeit

Universität der Bundeswehr München, 2004.

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Heyer, J.; Bajric, A.; Dahl, W.; Langenberg, P.

Numerical Investigations on Failure Behaviour of Flawed Steel Components Containing Power Beam Welds Werkstoffsimulation Proceedings Article

In: ESIS TC1/TC8 Meeting, GKSS Geesthacht, 2003.



Bode, J.; Ehrlich, I.

Entwicklung eines finiten Elements für Sandwichanwendungen. Leichtbau Artikel

In: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM), Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Bd. 77, Nr. 1, S. 41-42, 1997.


128 Einträge « 3 von 3 »